Valentino Guseli’s Rise to Snowboarding Stardom: The Role of Cutting-Edge Training Tools

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Snowboarder Valentino Guseli mid air at the 2022 Olympics

Valentino Guseli, a prominent figure in the snowboarding world, continues to captivate audiences with his remarkable achievements. His journey, underpinned by relentless dedication and innovative training methods, sheds light on the essential tools and support that have propelled him to the top.

A Strategic Partnership in Pursuit of Excellence

In 2018, after inspecting various ski facilities in Japan, including Quest and Kings, Valentino’s father, Riccardo Pat Guseli, sought high-quality training equipment to support his son’s ambitions. His quest led him to SunparkAirbag, where he first acquired a 20x8m airbag. Convinced by its quality and durability, Riccardo personally visited the company in China and subsequently ordered a larger 50x16m sloping airbag, which has remained an integral part of Valentino’s training setup for over six years.

Sloping Airbag

Training for Olympic Glory

Valentino’s dedication to his sport is evident not only in his rigorous training schedule but also in the innovative approach his family has taken to support his development. In preparation for the 2022 Winter Olympics, the Guseli family built an Olympic-standard Big Air jump at their home in Dalmeny, Australia. This ambitious project, which included the use of SunparkAirbag’s advanced landing airbag, allowed Valentino to train in conditions that closely mimicked those he would face in competition. This setup was crucial in his Olympic preparation, as detailed in a feature article that highlights the Guseli family’s dedication.

A large SunparkAirbag inflatable landing mat provides a professional training setup for snowboarder Valentino Guseli

Valentino Guseli performing an inverted trick on his snowboard high above the halfpipe at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

A Family Affair: Commitment to Excellence

Snowboarder Valentino Guseli performing a high flying trick above a snowy jump

A child safely landing on a large inflatable airbag after a jump

Valentino’s journey is also a testament to the support and involvement of his family. In a 2019 interview video, the Guseli family’s use of specialized airbags is showcased, reflecting their commitment to providing Valentino with the best possible training environment. More recently, in a November 2023 interview, Valentino discussed his current training setup, which includes a customized airbag jump at his grandparents’ home. This facility, designed to replicate professional competition conditions, has been instrumental in Valentino’s continued success.

Looking Ahead

Valentino Guseli upside-down, performing a trick during the Men's Snowboard Big Air event at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

Valentino Guseli’s rise in the snowboarding world is a story of talent, hard work, and the effective use of innovative training tools. His journey, supported by his family and advanced training setups, serves as an inspiration to athletes everywhere. As he continues to achieve new milestones, Valentino remains a testament to what is possible when passion meets opportunity.

For more on Valentino Guseli’s career and achievements, visit his official profile.



With over 10 years of experience, we provide freestyle airbags for ski resorts, theme park, sports and gymnastics facility around the globe.

SunparkAirbag® is the leading manufacturer of Airbags for Extreme Sports and Leisure Industries in China.




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